Tamil Nadu chief minister J. Jayalalithaa on Thursday filed a
defamation complaint before a sessions court against DMK treasurer and
MLA M.K. Stalin and party organ Murasoli for an article published in the
Tamil daily dated August 9.
City public prosecutor M.L. Jagan, who filed the complaint on behalf
of the chief minister, said that the statement that the chief minister
was on vacation for months together was fallacious, defamatory and
without any basis.
The chief minister was in Kodanad only for a certain period and all
official and constitutional duties were being continuously discharged by
her, he said. The chief minister was discharging duties even on
Sundays, Jagan said.
The defamation complaint filed before the principal sessions court
sought to punish the publisher, printer and editor of Murasoli for
offences under section 500 and 501 of IPC and Stalin under section 500
of IPC.
Friday, 17 August 2012
Jayalalithaa files case against Stalin
Friday, August 17, 2012
Chennai News, General News, Political News, Tamilnadu News