In line with a Supreme Court order on the Uniform System of School Education (Samacheer Kalvi), Tamil Nadu government on Friday set up a panel to examine the syllabus and text books for over two crore children in the State.
Chief Secretary Debendranath Sarangi will head the nine-member panel, comprising members including those from the National Council for Education, Research and Training (NCERT), School Education Secretary and educationists, Chief Minister Jayalalithaa said in a release.
Recalling the Supreme Court directive, which ruled that the system introduced by the previous DMK regime for Classes I and VI would continue this year, Ms. Jayalalithaa said the court had asked the panel to submit its report by three weeks or by July 6, 2001.
The AIADMK government is mired in a controversy over its decision to defer implementation of USSE.
The apex court had turned down the government’s appeal against the Madras High Court staying its amendment to the USSE Act 2010 to defer its implementation. A vacation bench had directed that USSE should continue to be implemented for Classes I and IV during the present academic year.
The Act passed by the previous DMK government had introduced a common curriculum for school children till Class X doing away with four streams - Matriculation, Anglo-Indian, Oriental and State Board on the ground they lacked quality.
The High Court had on June 10 stayed the amendment to the USSE Act by the new government which claimed it wanted to withhold its implementation as the syllabus and contents in subjects like Mathematics, Science and English undermined quality education.