Till about a fortnight ago, students of Pachaiyappa’s
College had several problems — lack of drinking water, no functional
bathrooms on the campus and shortage of bus passes. While most of these
have been sorted out, the students now have a bigger concern.
teachers in their college, particularly those from the history and
Tamil departments, seldom turn up to take classes because they are out
teaching in other colleges in the city, students say.
“It has been over two months since college began but I have seen my Tamil professor just once,” a student says.
teachers admit the irregularity exists and it is mainly because the
government has not appointed teachers in the last ten years. Most of
them, therefore, are enrolled as guest lecturers in one college and as
permanent faculty in another.
Every department in
the college has just 12 lecturers, in place of the mandated 18. “The
vacancies have never been filled, so the college runs more or less on
guest lecturers,” says a lecturer.
Students say that
some of the teachers come in as early as 8.45 a.m., mark their
attendance for the day, and leave for another college, either in
Tambaram or Chromepet, where they teach till noon. Each of them has at
least three lectures in the morning but they never turn up. While some
of the teachers blame it on lack of strength in classrooms, others cite
financial reasons.
One such lecturer admits to
teaching in two colleges since the past two years and says he does it to
make up for his paltry salary. “I earn only Rs. 6,000 at Pachaiyappa’s
College while the other institute pays me Rs. 10,000. Even that money is
not enough to run a family of five,” the lecturer says. He says, he has
tried taking morning lectures in the college but only two or three
students turn up for them.
“Except for those in the
science departments, the other students are irregular. Most of them come
to class only by mid-day as they work till late in the evening,” the
lecturer says.
Another faculty says he taught in
three colleges a few years ago. “But with age catching up, I cannot run
around, and so, stick to two colleges now,” says the Tamil professor.
Many of his colleagues who work as guest lecturers have taken up other
odd jobs in the evenings to supplement their meagre incomes, he says.
Courtesy : thehindu.com
Courtesy : thehindu.com