National award winner, Dhanush's film with director Hari, Vengai is gearing for a big release. Sun Pictures have bought the rights to the film for a record amount. Dhanush has a good track record with this banner with Paddikadhavan and Aadukalam making it big at the box office. Similar results are hoped for Vengai as well.
Tamannah is the heroine. Fresh after the success of her Telugu film 100% Love, she is keen to consolidate her position in the Tamil industry as well. Music by Devi Sri Prasad is said to be rocking and the audio launch has been scheduled for June 10th.
Tamannah is the heroine. Fresh after the success of her Telugu film 100% Love, she is keen to consolidate her position in the Tamil industry as well. Music by Devi Sri Prasad is said to be rocking and the audio launch has been scheduled for June 10th.