The Tamil Nadu Assembly on Thursday passed a unanimous resolution seeking the state revenue department to implead itself in a case filed by Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa for retrieval of Katchatheevu island, ceded to Sri Lanka by India in 1974 by way of an agreement.
Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa moved the resolution even as the DMK was absent during the debate. The resolution said the case filed by Ms. Jayalalithaa as AIADMK chief in the Supreme Court in 2008 argued that the island was ceded to Sri Lanka without the consent of the two Houses of Parliament and contended the 1974 and 1976 accords between the two countries were illegal.
All party members including DMDK opposition leader Vijayakanth spoke in support of the resolution even as DMK was not present in the House.
Congress did not speak during the debate on the resolution.
Ms. Jayalalithaa flayed DMK chief M. Karunanidhi, who was Chief Minister in 1974 when Katchatheevu was ceded to Sri Lanka, saying he had failed to stop it and alleged it had resulted in number of deaths of Tamil Nadu fishermen at the hands of the Lankan navy.
Later the Assembly passed the resolution unanimously.